Tonight I went to the Drag Show at Xanadu's for the first time in months. Frankly, I was disappointed. Despite the fact that the lesbian population had doubled at least, the straight population had also grown. Also apparently the gay boy population has decreased exponentially, because the place was almost empty.
Now if you know Arkansas you know that the only music that is played at a club is either ghetto rap music or pop music. Before, there was a tolerable amount of ghetto music mixed with pop that I can actually enjoy. However, for some reason there was only maybe five pop songs and the rest was practically unbearable rap.
If that wasn't enough for some reason the skanky factor has gone through the roof. People were humping each other against walls and floors. I am not one to bad-talk booty dancing, or limit self expression but what these people have to understand is actual sex is not sexy. Its bumping, grinding and sweating. The sexiest dancers, the exotic ones, never once touch another person. It's the rhythm of the body and the suggestion of something more that is sexy. THE SUGGESTION. Anyway, off my high horse.
I'm not saying Xanadu's is Backstreet skanky, but suffice to say that if Xanadu's gotten this bad i do NOT want to see what Tangerine is like. If you did not get the last sentence, Backstreet is the skanky gay bar of Little Rock and Tangerine is the only gay bar of Fayetteville (and it's pretty skanky)
I'm glad I'm leaving this two horse town for San Fransisco. Except for the whole everything-is-millions-of-
-Simply Cherry
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