Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What it means to be Poly

Imagine for a second you love everyone. There are different kinds of love of course, but unless someone does something to hurt you you know you'd do anything to help them. Once a person gains your trust, well then you know you'll love this person forever.
Even the prospect of the person being upset with you breaks your heart. Imagine that you feel this intense love and devotion to each one of your friends.

Now imagine society telling you that you can only feel this way for one person, that you only have one special someone. Imagine trying for 7 years trying to fit that mold, knowing that the person you're with is only one of your special someones. Now imagine having a complete mental breakdown after another breakup because you know you're just doing the same things over and over again and you know you're never going to be happy this way.

Imagine finally accepting yourself and being brave enough to say 'despite the social stigma I'm never going to be monogamous again. It doesnt fit with me and its unfair to both myself and my partner.' That's what it's like to be poly. That's what it's like to be me.

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